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Free Estimate
Fill out the following contact form to receive an online estimate.
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Here you’ll find frequently asked questions about our online estimates and questions about our estimates in general.
How long till I get my estimate?
Estimates are completed and emailed on a first come, first served basis. During peak moving season it will take no more than 24 hours to receive an estimate. If you have yet to receive your estimate please feel free to call us at (205) 434-1615.
Why is my estimate higher/lower than I expected?
Our estimates are based on past moves rendered similar in size/details to your moves as well as adjusted based on a multitude of variables such as time of week & day, amount of heavy items, etc. If you have any questions please feel free to email us or give us a call.
Will I be contacted about my estimate?
Yes. Unless you put in the notes that you do not want a call back; you will most likely be contacted in regards to your estimate to ensure your estimate is as accurate as possible.
How and when should I book my move?
If you want to book your move you can simply give us a call at (205) 434-1615 or reply to the estimate email chain stating that you wish to confirm your move. You should book your move as soon as possible, especially if you’re booking in peak moving season. We recommend booking a move two weeks in advance. Otherwise, you may run into scheduling issues.
What is the quickest way to get an estimate?
The quickest way to get an estimate is to give us a call at (205) 434-1615. We look forward to hearing from you soon!